wellhealthorganic.com vitamin b12 @well health organic

wellhealthorganic.com vitamin b12 @well health organic is one the eight B Vitamins that perform vital aspects in your well-being. B12 is essential to support neurologic function and production of red blood cells metabolism, as well as DNA synthesizing. A vitamin B12 deficit can impact your health in multiple ways.

B12 is a nutrient that’s water-soluble. This means that your body does not store large quantities of B12 and excretes the excess that it doesn’t require via the urine. Since B12 isn’t stored in a way that’s readily accessible the body needs an ongoing supply of B12 to complete vital functions like the production of energy in normal nerve functions. B12 is found naturally in animal products such as fish, meat eggs, and fish as well as added to a variety of plant-based meals including breakfast cereals fortified with B12.

The majority of people who eat a diet that is not restricted consume sufficient B12 to maintain healthy blood levels. However certain medical ailments, medications, diet restriction of foods rich in B12 and even aging itself can alter the body’s B12 levels as well as its capacity to take in B12 in food items. 1 And certain people require supplementation with B12 to ensure the health of their levels of this nutrient.

This article will help you be aware of B12 supplements that can benefit your health along with safety, side effects and the best way to pick the right B12 supplement to meet your needs.

Also Read: wellhealthorganic vitamin b12

Can Increase B12 Levels and Treat B12 Deficiency

One of the most significant advantages that comes from B12 supplements is that they have the capability to boost B12 levels within the body.

There are a variety of reasons one might not be able to achieve the optimal levels of B12 on their own.

Up to 30% of seniors are not able to absorb B12 in food due to the changes to stomach acid as well as reduced the production of a particular protein dubbed intrinsic factor. Both are required to ensure B12 absorption.

Commonly prescribed drugs like acid reflux medication and antiidiabetic medications can decrease B12 levels. In addition, those with specific medical conditions such as IBD as well as those who adhere to restrictive diets, including vegan diets, are more likely to develop low levels of B12.

If you are unable to keep good B12 levels by themselves or on their own, taking a B12 supplement can boost the levels of this vital vitamin and guard against B12 deficiency-related health issues like macrocytic anemia. It is a blood disorder that can affect the production of red blood cells.

Benefits for people suffering from depression

B12 is a key component in brain function. It is required to produce neurotransmitters such as serotonin as well as g-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and dopamine, all of which are essential to the regulation of mood. Additionally, B12 keeps homocysteine levels under control which is vital for healthy brain function.

Research has shown the fact that low B12 levels increase the likelihood for developing depression.

A study of 2021 in older adults revealed that those with low or inadequate concentrations B12 or deficient levels of B12 increased the likelihood to develop depression 51% over the course of four years.

Supplementing with B12 could help to prevent the development of depression and ease symptoms for those who suffer from depression. A 2023 study concluded that supplementation with B12 might be effective in decreasing depression symptoms and increasing the efficacy of antidepressant drugs.

Benefit Supports Brain Health

A low level of B12 could negatively impact the brain’s health, through the increase of homocysteine, which can cause nerve cell inflammation as well as an increase in oxidative stress. Vitamin B12 can help prevent cell damage caused by oxidative stress which is connected to a range of chronic illnesses, like cognitive decline.

Studies have suggested supplements with B12 can help to preserve the brain’s function and slow cognitive decline in people who are older.

A 2022 study discovered that B12 supplements reduced cognitive decline among older adults particularly when they began taking B12 earlier in life.

Benefit Good Sources of B12

B12 is naturally present in animal products and added to many plant-based food items like cereals, as food fortification.

Here are the best sources of B12 in food:

  • Beef liver cooked in a cooker:23.5 mcg per ounce which is 981 percent of the DV
  • Clams cooked:17 micrograms (mcg) per serving of 3 ounces 708 percent from the recommended daily amount (DV)
  • Nutritional yeast fortified:15mcg for 2 tablespoons (630 percent of the daily value
  • Salmon cooked: 2.6mcg per 3-ounce serving which is 10% of daily value
  • Ground Beef: 2.5mcg per 3-ounce serving which is 10% of daily value
  • Whole milk Greek yogurt: 1.04mcg per 7-ounce container which is 40% of daily value.
  • Eggs .5mcg in a cooked, whole egg which is 19 percent of the DV

Although B12 can be found in a variety of supplements in foods like dairy products made from plant sources as well as breakfast cereals individuals eating a strict plant-based diet may struggle to meet their daily B12 requirements by eating a diet on its own.

Research has shown that those who follow vegan diets are more likely to develop B12 deficiency as compared to those that consume meat products. If you’re on a vegetarian diet or one which restricts the B12-rich foods It is recommended to add B12 to your diet or take a B complex vitamin to avoid deficiency and maintain healthy levels of B12.

How to Take B12

B12 can be consumed anytime of the day, and it can be consumed with or without food. Some studies suggest that supplements with higher doses should be taken on a empty stomach to ensure maximum absorption.

There are various forms available of B12 supplements, such as capsules, sprays and liquids and lozenges. Each of them is effective in improving B12 levels, but you must choose a supplement that is best suited to your needs and personal preferences. B12 can be taken as a supplement on its own or in a B-complex multivitamin with important B vitamins, such as folate as well as B6.

Remember that even though B12 supplements are effective in raising the low B12 levels, some individuals suffering from vitamin B12 deficiency might need B12 injections to boost levels of B12 levels. Your physician will decide which option is most suitable for you.

B12 supplements can include different kinds of B12 like cyanocobalamin and adenosylcobalamin as well as cobalamin methyl. A few studies suggest that the natural versions that contain B12 that are identical to B12 that we find within our bodies and foods, such as adenosylcobalamin and also methylcobala bio-available to cyanocobalamin which is an artificial version of B12.

Certain experts suggest that those who have genetic polymorphisms that affect B12 metabolism, should choose the natural form of B12 such as methylcobalamin to boost their B12 performance more effectively.


The suggested for daily B12 intake for adult males as well as ladies is 2.4mcg. Breastfeeding and pregnant women require 2.6 or 2.8mcg of B12 each day, respectively.

B12 supplements typically offer very large doses of B12. The majority of B12-only supplements contain 500mcg or greater of B12 in each serving. This is more than 20 percent or more than the DV. But the body absorbs small amounts of supplementation B12 doses that are greater than 2 mg. As an example, if your body absorbs about 50 percent of B12 doses of 1-2mcg, you absorb only 2 percent of B12 in doses of 500mcg or more.

While people with B12 insufficient or inadequate B12 levels might need to supplement their diet with high dose B12 supplements, the majority of healthy people seeking to increase your B12 intake should choose low-dose supplements.

Is B12 Safe?

wellhealthorganic.com vitamin b12 @well health organic is generally regarded as safe even in large doses. The body eliminates additional B12 via urine, and it isn’t able to build up within the body. In addition, you take in small quantities of B12 from food supplements.

There’s actually no Tolerable Upper Level (UL) set for B12 because of its low toxicity. The UL is the highest daily dosage of a vitamin which is not likely to cause harm to most people.

Certain studies have indicated that high dose B12 therapy can cause or cause acne for some individuals. In general, B12 supplements aren’t associated with any adverse reactions.

Cyanocobalamin supplements are not safe for certain individuals for a variety of reasons, including kidney disease and those with Leber optic nerve atrophy an inheritable condition that can cause vision loss.

It is important to keep in mind that nutritional supplements are not monitored through the FDA and could or might not be appropriate for you. Supplements’ effects differ from individual to individual and depend on a myriad of variables like the dosage, type and interactions with existing medicines. Consult your physician or pharmacist prior to taking any supplements.

Can You Take Too Much B12?

Since B12 is a water-soluble vitamin, it’s generally thought to be as safe, even at large doses.

Highly high doses of as much as 2 mg (2,000mcg) are being employed to treat pernicious aemia which is an autoimmune disorder which affects B12 absorption. But, that does not mean that you must consume massive doses of B12. Many people don’t have to supplement their diet with high-dose B12.

Side Effects of B12

wellhealthorganic.com vitamin b12 @well health organic Supplements are typically regarded as to be safe and don’t have several adverse reactions.

A specific type of B12 called cyanocobalamin could produce allergic reactions among a few people, and can result in the following adverse reactions when administered in high doses, for example when someone is being diagnosed with B12 deficiency through a healthcare practitioner:

  • Rashes
  • Breathlessness
  • Swollen tongue
  • Itching
  • Low levels of blood potassium

Be aware that B12-related adverse reactions typically occur with high dose replacement therapies such like B12 injections. If you suffer from any side negative effects while you are taking orally B12 supplements, you should stop using the supplement and consult your physician for advice.