Aam Panna

wellhealthorganic.com Aam Panna: Aam ka panna, a quintessential Indian summer beverage, offers a delightful blend of tanginess and sweetness, deriving its essence from unripe green mangoes. Enhanced with the aromatic flavors of cardamom, cumin, and black salt, this cooling drink is perfect to beat the summer heat. Here, we present two methods to prepare Aam ka panna syrup concentrate and the drink itself, utilizing both boiling and roasting techniques.

Aam Panna

  • Preparation Time: 15 minutes
  • Cooking Time: 5 minutes
  • Total Time: 20 minutes
  • Cuisine: Indian
  • Course: Beverages
  • Diet: Vegan
  • Difficulty Level: Moderate


For Boiled Aam Panna – Recipe 1:

  1. 2 medium-sized unripe green mangoes (approximately 400 grams)
  2. 2 cups water (for pressure cooking)
  3. 1.5 cups sugar or jaggery powder (approximately 325 grams)
  4. 1 teaspoon cardamom powder
  5. 1 teaspoon roasted cumin powder
  6. ¼ teaspoon black pepper powder or crushed black pepper (optional)
  7. 2 teaspoons black salt (alternative: regular white salt, pink salt, or edible rock salt)

For Roasted Aam Panna – Recipe 2:

  1. 3 large unripe green mangoes (approximately 565 grams)
  2. 1 cup sugar (approximately 200 grams)
  3. ¼ cup mint leaves (optional)
  4. 1 teaspoon roasted cumin powder
  5. ½ teaspoon black salt or regular/pink salt
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Boiled Aam Panna – Recipe 1:

  1. Rinse the raw mangoes thoroughly under water. Place them in a 2-liter pressure cooker and add 2 cups of water.
  2. Pressure cook for 2 whistles on medium flame or approximately 8 to 10 minutes.
  3. Once the pressure settles down on its own, remove the lid. The mangoes should have softened, and the peels may have separated if cooked well.
  4. Gently strain the contents of the cooker into a bowl, ensuring to collect the liquid. Do not discard the water, as it will be used to make the Aam panna drink.
  5. Let the mangoes cool at room temperature. Peel off the skins, which should come off easily after cooking.

Preparing the Syrup – Recipe 1:

  1. Using a sharp-edged spoon or knife, scrape and collect the cooked mango pulp in a bowl, discarding the peels.
  2. Maintain a ratio of 1:2 for mango pulp to sugar/jaggery. For instance, if you have 1 cup of mango pulp, add 2 cups of sugar.
  3. Add cardamom powder, roasted cumin powder, black salt, and crushed black pepper (if using). Mix thoroughly, using a blender or hand churner if necessary.
  4. Pour the Aam panna syrup into a clean glass bottle or jar and store it in the refrigerator.

Making the Panna Drink – Recipe 1:

  1. In a glass, combine 2 to 3 tablespoons of Aam panna syrup with the water used for cooking the mangoes or chilled water. Stir well.
  2. Serve the Aam panna with ice cubes if desired, and garnish with mint leaves or coriander leaves.

Roasted Aam Panna – Recipe 2:

  1. Rinse and dry the mangoes thoroughly. Place them on a roti or papad rack over a gas stove top. Turn them at intervals until they are evenly charred, including the peels.
  2. To check for doneness, slide a knife along one side of the mango – it should glide easily without resistance.
  3. Allow the roasted mangoes to cool at room temperature. Peel off the charred skins and slice the mangoes.
  4. In a blender or mixer jar, combine the sliced mango pulp with mint leaves (if using), roasted cumin powder, black salt, and sugar. Adjust sugar quantity based on mango pulp volume.
  5. Blend the mixture until smooth. Strain if necessary, and store the Aam panna syrup in a clean jar or bowl in the refrigerator.

Preparing Roasted Aam Panna Drink – Recipe 2:

  1. In a glass, mix 2 to 3 tablespoons of Aam panna syrup with water. Add ice cubes if desired.
  2. Serve the Aam panna immediately, optionally garnished with mint leaves.

Also Read: Kashmiri Kahwa 


  • Adjust sugar or jaggery quantity according to taste preferences.
  • Mangoes can also be steamed or cooked on a stovetop or Instant Pot until soft.
  • Use sour, unripe green mangoes for authentic flavor.
  • For a smoother texture, strain the syrup after blending.
  • Fresh herbs like mint or coriander can be added for a unique flavor profile.
  • Semi-ripe mangoes can be used for the roasted Aam panna recipe.
  • Recipes can be scaled up or down based on preference.
  • Nutrition information provided is approximate and based on one serving of Aam panna made by steaming the mangoes.