Ragi Mudde

wellhealthorganic.com Ragi Mudde: Ragi Mudde, nutritious balls crafted from finger millet flour, stand as both a delicacy and a dietary staple in certain regions of Karnataka.

Ragi Mudde

  • Preparation Time: 5 minutes
  • Cooking Time: 15 minutes
  • Total Time: 20 minutes
  • Cuisine: Karnataka, South Indian
  • Course: Main Course
  • Dietary Considerations: Gluten-Free, Vegan, Vegetarian
  • Difficulty: Moderate


For Ragi Mudde:

  • 1 cup ragi flour (finger millet flour or sprouted finger millet flour)
  • 2 cups water (adjust as necessary)
  • ¼ teaspoon salt (optional)

For Chilli Chutney:

  • 9 to 10 Kashmiri red chillies
  • 1 teaspoon tamarind (tightly packed)
  • 1.25 cups water (for cooking red chillies)
  • 2 tablespoons water (for blending or grinding)
  • Salt to taste
  • 1 tablespoon oil
  • ½ teaspoon mustard seeds
  • 6 to 7 curry leaves
  • 1 pinch asafoetida
  • 5 to 6 fenugreek seeds (methi seeds)

Also Read: Soya Chunks Recipe


Prepare Ragi Slurry:

  1. In a heavy-bottomed pan or Dutch oven, place water and a wooden stick for mixing.
  2. Measure 1 cup of ragi flour, reserving 2 teaspoons aside.
  3. Add 2 cups of water to a saucepan, incorporating the 2 teaspoons of ragi flour and salt.
  4. Bring the mixture to a boil over medium heat, stirring occasionally.

Boil Ragi Slurry:

  1. Once boiling, reduce heat and evenly sprinkle the remaining ragi flour over the slurry.
  2. Allow it to cook undisturbed for 3 to 4 minutes on low heat.
  3. Thoroughly mix with the wooden stick until no dry flour specks remain.
  4. Adjust consistency with hot water or ragi flour if needed.

Steam Dough:

  1. Cover and steam the mixture for 6 to 7 minutes on low heat.
  2. Remove from heat and let it steam for an additional 5 minutes, covered.

Knead and Shape Ragi Mudde:

  1. Spread water on a plate and transfer the cooked mixture onto it.
  2. Knead the hot mixture into a smooth dough, adding water as needed.
  3. Optionally, add 1 teaspoon of ghee and knead well.
  4. Portion the dough and shape into medium-sized balls.

Also Read: Bisi Bele Bath


  • Serve with saaru, basaru, rasam, sambar, red chili chutney, onion chutney, coconut chutney, or tomato chutney.

Making Chili Chutney:

  • Cook red chillies and tamarind in 1.25 cups of water for 5 to 6 minutes until softened.
  • Drain and blend softened ingredients with salt and 2 to 3 tablespoons of water.
  • Heat oil in a pan, temper with mustard seeds, curry leaves, asafoetida, and fenugreek seeds.
  • Pour the tempering into the chutney, mix, and serve.


  • Nutrition information provided is approximate for 1 Ragi Mudde without the accompanying red chili chutney.