Roasted Makhana Roasted Makhana: Roasted Makhana is a nutritious snack crafted by slow-roasting phool makhana, also known as foxnuts, with a blend of spices and seasonings.

Roasted Makhana

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Total Time: 10 minutes

Cuisine: Indian

Course: Snacks

Dietary Preferences: Gluten-Free, Vegan, Vegetarian

Difficulty: Easy

Also Read: Kolukattai


  • 3 cups foxnuts (phool makhana)
  • ¼ teaspoon turmeric powder
  • ½ teaspoon red chili powder or cayenne pepper (adjust to taste)
  • 1 teaspoon chaat masala powder (adjust to taste)
  • Rock salt (food-grade), to taste
  • 2 to 3 teaspoons oil or ghee


Preparing Roasted Makhana:

  1. Heat oil in a sturdy wok or kadai.
  2. Add the foxnuts and roast them on low heat for about 10 to 12 minutes until they turn crisp, stirring occasionally.
  3. Incorporate all the spice powders and rock salt, except for the chaat masala.
  4. Turn off the heat promptly to avoid burning the spices.
  5. Thoroughly mix the entire blend.
  6. Finally, sprinkle the chaat masala powder and mix again.

Also Read: Alu Vadi

Serving Roasted Makhana:

  • Serve the Roasted Makhana when they reach a lukewarm temperature or cool to room temperature.
  • Store the cooled makhana in an airtight container to maintain freshness.


  • You can roast a large batch of makhana in advance and store them for convenient everyday snacking.
  • Customize the recipe by incorporating your preferred seasonings and spices, ensuring they are all dry.