Greek Yogurt Greek Yogurt: Hung Curd or Greek Yogurt is essentially strained curd or yogurt, resulting in a thicker, creamier consistency. This recipe provides an easy DIY method for making a creamy batch at home, perfect for marinades, chutneys, dips, sandwiches, and various other dishes.

Greek Yogurt

  • Preparation Time: 5 hours
  • Total Time: 5 hours
  • Cuisine: Indian, World
  • Course: Condiment, Side Dish
  • Diet: Gluten-Free, Vegetarian
  • Difficulty Level: Moderate

Also Read: Dabeli  


Main Ingredient

  1. 4.5 cups Curd (dahi or yogurt) or approximately 1.125 kg or 1.125 liters of curd made from 1 liter of milk

Equipment Required:

  1. 1 deep bowl
  2. 1 fine mesh strainer or sieve
  3. 1 muslin cloth or cheese cloth or kitchen cotton napkin or towel
  4. 1 heavy weight bowl

Also Read: Lassi 


  1. Collect the following items: one deep bowl, a strainer or sieve, a piece of muslin cloth or cheese cloth, and a heavy bowl, pan, or lid.
  2. Place the strainer on the deep bowl.
  3. Line the strainer with muslin cloth.
  4. Pour the fresh curd onto the muslin.
  5. Gather the four edges of the muslin and securely tie one edge around the others.
  6. Gently press to allow the whey to drip.
  7. Position a weighty bowl, lid, or plate atop the secured muslin.
  8. Keep the entire setup in the fridge for 4 to 5 hours or overnight.
  9. After the designated time in the fridge, you’ll obtain creamy hung curd.
  10. Utilize the collected whey in chapati or bread dough, and in pulao or curries. Note: Whey flavor may not be noticeable in chapati, but it will enhance the taste of curries, rice, and pulao.
  11. Use the hung curd immediately in any recipe, or store it in the fridge for later use.
  12. Homemade Greek Yogurt can be stored in the fridge for 2 to 3 days.