Early Detection of HIV, HCV and Syphilis Made Possible by Pune-based Mylab’s Rapid Test Kits

After launching India’s first test tackle for Tuberculosis
and multidrug- resistant Tuberculosis late last time, Pune- grounded Mylab
Discovery results has come out with three new rapid-fire accoutrements for the
early discovery of mortal Immunodeficiency Contagion( HIV), Hepatitis C Virus(
HCV), and Syphilis.

 These conditions are
classified as sexually transmitted conditions( STDs) and pose a significant
health challenge to the world, with their collaborative caseload anticipated to
reach an estimated 1 million per day encyclopedically.

 Of these tests, the
HIV1/2 Ab and HCV Ab rapid-fire tests have been designed to descry antibodies
specific to HIV- 1 and HIV- 2 and HCV, independently. The Syphilis Antibody
test detects antibodies( IgG, IgA, IgM) to Treponema Pallidum( TP), said
Hasmukh Rawal, Mylab MD andco-founder. These tests can descry antibodies
associated with each complaint in under 20 twinkles.

 likewise, these tests
are easy to use, ready-made at room temperatures and can be stationed at the
point of care in resource- limited settings — making them veritably accessible.

 These accoutrements
can also be used at blood banks to effectively descry transfusion-
transmittable infections amongst blood benefactors, hence limiting their transmission.
 The test accoutrements are anticipated
to be available at hospitals and labs by the end of this month.