wellhealthorganic.com : key signs of gastroenteritis

Also known as stomach flu Gastroenteritis is a condition that causes irritation and inflammation to the intestines as well as the stomach. The sufferer experiences vomiting, diarrhoea nausea, dehydration, and diarrhoea. Gastroenteritis is a common occurrence in adults, children and even infants. To understand what causes gastroenteritis, continue reading.

Viral gastroenteritis is extremely contagious and is easily transferred from one person to the next. If you are in close proximity with a person who is suffering from the viral gastroenteritis infection, you might contract the same. Most people with strong immune systems recover after a short period of time. People with weak immune systems, particularly the elderly and babies, could be suffering from acute gastroenteritis which could be life-threatening.

In general, a quick treatment for gastroenteritis will speed up recovery. However, some cases might require hospitalisation. You’ll be amazed find out that your comprehensive health insurance policy will take care of hospital expenses because of Gastroenteritis.

wellhealthorganic.com : key signs of gastroenteritis

As opposed to influenza, which affects the respiratory organs in the body, the viral gastroenteritis affects the stomach and intestines. Patients may notice the following symptoms of gastroenteritis:

  • Diarrhoea that is watery. In certain cases diarrhoea can last for one or two days. If this happens it is imperative to make an appointment with your doctor.
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Pain and cramps in the stomach and abdominals
  • Low-grade fever
  • Chills
  • The body is aching
  • Appetite loss
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • Pain in the muscles or headache (occasional)

Usually, the symptoms be noticed within 1-3 days of the site of infection. The symptoms of gastroenteritis may be present for a few days in mild cases. However, people suffering from acute gastroenteritis can exhibit symptoms for up to 14 days. If you are experiencing severe issues you should be sure to see a physician.

What are the causes of stomach flu/gastroenteritis?

Many types of viruses may cause gastroenteritis in a variety of ways. Based on the type of virus, which type of gastroenteritis that is caused can be treated. When we talk of stomach ailment, Rotavirus as well as norovirus can be the two most commonly known viruses the cause of influenza. Let’s look at the different causes of gastroenteritis:


Rotavirus typically causes stomach flu among children who are under 3 years old. This is the reason adults aren’t often affected by the virus, since they are immune to it. Additionally, a vaccine against it is being offered.


Norovirus is among the most frequent gastroenteritis virus that affects over half of all adult patients with gastroenteritis. The norovirus is also more resilient to disinfectants as compared to other gastroenteritis-causing viruses.


Usually, adenovirus triggers respiratory ailments. When consumed the virus can trigger gastroenteritis, too.


Astrovirus can cause gastroenteritis, especially in children under 3 years of age.

Everyone can be down ill due to gastroenteritis. The resilience and recovery of your body are dependent on the health of you are in your immunity. Children, infants and those over 65 are at greater risk of gastroenteritis.

What are the Treatments Available for Gastroenteritis?

A 100% sure-shot treatment for gastroenteritis has not yet available. Usually, patients recover within two or three weeks. The body is designed to ensure that it can eliminate gastroenteritis by itself. If there is extreme dehydration, there are those who require medical attention such as intravenous fluids. But, there isn’t a medication that treats stomach flu. There is generally no benefit of antibiotics in the viral gastroenteritis viruses as it is able to treat bacteria, but not viruses.

As part of the treatment for gastroenteritis, it is recommended to not to take a rest for a week. Make sure you drink enough fluids to prevent dehydration. Since dehydration may impede the recovery process, consuming a tiny amount of fluid in intervals is suggested.

When the symptoms of stomach flu are beginning to disappear and you begin to feel more energy, you could slowly return to your normal diet.

However, it’s strictly no caffeine or milk as well as alcohol until you are fit.

Viral Gastroenteritis Preventive Measures

Even if you’re recovering from gastroenteritis. This can leave your body exhausted and exhausted. It is best to be extra cautious. Here are some precautions against gastroenteritis:

  • Don’t drink water or eat foods from unidentified sources. Always verify the quality of your food or drinking fluids.
  • Make sure you wash your hands regularly. It is crucial to avoid any illness, particularly ones that are caused by virus. If you are returning home after a day outdoors, prior to eating food and also after touching the surface that has been contaminated, be sure you clean your hands.
  • Don’t come into close proximity with anyone who you suspect is suffering from symptoms of gastroenteritis. Also, if you’ve contracted stomach flu, get out and talk to people when you are completely recovered.
  • Maintain your home and the surrounding area and your home clean. Make sure to disinfect surfaces that come into most contact with other people.
  • If you are a parent make sure you cleanse your hands following the disposal of stools and diapers your infant
  • The last but not least is to ensure a healthy lifestyle through regular exercise and nutritious food.

In a Nutshell

For a healthy lifestyle It is crucial to keep a clean and healthy lifestyle. This will not only aid in the prevention of gastroenteritis but also a lot of other illnesses too. wellhealthorganic.com : key signs of gastroenteritis impacts millions of people every year, all over the world. While the condition is typically treated by the body but some patients may require hospitalisation and intravenous fluids due to severe dehydration and weakness.

In order to pay for medical expenses with no burden you should consider the health insurance plan offered by Care Health Insurance. Nowadays, health insurance plans that are comprehensive include a variety of daycare options as well. Explore the available options and compare plans to pick the best one for you.