What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of Throat Cancer?

According to the World Health Organization, more than a million people died from cancer in 2020. If you look at these numbers, 1 in 6 deaths is due to cancer. However, in most cases of cancer, a sedentary lifestyle and poor eating habits are to blame. If  cancer symptoms are caught early, they can be easily treated. Laryngeal cancer is  a disease whose symptoms appear much earlier.Cigarettes, alcohol, tobacco, etc. are the main culprits of throat cancer. 

Some symptoms such as earache, sore throat or difficulty swallowing can be detected early. If a person pays attention to these symptoms and consults a doctor in a timely manner, throat cancer can be easily cured. 

 Types of throat cancer 

Before you know the symptoms of throat cancer, you need to know the type of throat cancer.According to the Mayo Clinic, 6 types of cancer can develop in the throat.  

Nasopharyngeal Cancer – Begins in the nostrils and reaches the throat.  

Mouth and Throat Cancer – Starts in the mouth. Cancerous tonsils are one of them.  

Hypopharyngeal Cancer – Begins in the lower part of the throat, which is above the digestive tract, i. H.Volume. Esophagus.  

Glottic Cancer – It arises from the vocal cords. 

Supraglottic Carcinoma – This begins in the upper part of the larynx and at the base of the tongue.  

Subglottic Cancer – Begins in the lower part of the larynx. 

Symptoms of Throat Cancer 

Mucus – Leaving mucus in the throat for a long time can cause throat cancer. So if you find this symptom, don’t ignore it. 

Voice change – If you experience heaviness in your voice or  changes in your voice, this could be an early sign of throat cancer. If this voice change  is not treated within two weeks,  you should see your doctor right away. 

Difficulty Swallowing – If you have trouble swallowing food or feel like food is getting stuck in your throat you should see your doctor right away as this can be a sign of cancer.

Weight Loss – One of the main symptoms of cancer is weight loss. So if you suddenly lose weight for no apparent reason, you should get checked out immediately and see a  doctor. 

Earache – If your earache is persistent and won’t go away,  it could be a sign of throat cancer. 

Swelling in the neck – If there is swelling under the neck that doesn’t go away with treatment, it could be the cause of throat cancer.